Frequently Asked Questions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How to modify the default folder for genetic maps and allele frequency files? a) to change the path/name of a single map- or frequency-file: - start Alohomora - select your chip type - Menu->Options->File selection use Browse Button to change the file/path - press OK Button to close the File selection window - Menu->Utilities->Save current environment this will save the path in alohomora.ini b) to change the default folder of all map- and frequency-files: - start Alohomora - Menu->Utilities->Save current environment this creates a file alohomora.ini - close Alohomora - open alohomora.ini with a Text-Editor - find and replace all the strings "/usr/local/genetics" with "/home/neil/genetics" (for example) - save alohomora.ini the next time you start Alohomora the modified paths should be used. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How to create an allele frequency file from my own data set: - start Alohomora - load data: press button "Read Infiles" (without filters) - select Menu->Utilities->Calculate allele frequencies,Callrate,HWE - select between "all individuals", "founders only", ... - press OK The selection "all individuals", "founders only",... will use only samples defined in the SNPs without physical/genetic position will be handled as autosomal markers. For X-linked markers only genotypes from females are used. The output file "alleles_.frq" can directly be used as allele frequency file (the next time you start Alohomora), but Alohomora needs only the first two columns. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I have data from Affymetrix arrays and want to see the rs-number in my linkage analysis files: In the genetic map files, provided on the Alohomora homepage, the second column is the original Affymetrix SNP_A-ID and the fifth column is the rs-number. Do all quality checks with the original markername (also use the original name in the skiplist and in the Merlin unlikely genotype detection)! Before you create the final linkage analysis files select: Menu -> Alias names and select rs-number. Now create the Merlin, Plink,... data. For data from Illumina no change is necessary, because the rs-number is the original marker name. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Does ALOHOMORA handle Illumina Chips, for example the Human610-Quadv1? ALOHOMORA handles every chip type from every company, even when the chip does not appear in the Alohomora selection box "Chip". You need a genetic map file, an allele frequency file and the genotype file in the Alohomora format. Export the Illumina genotypes as "AA", AB" and "BB". The Alohomora variables "Chip type" and "Options -> File Selection" are only placeholders. For example use for the Human610-Quadv1 annotation files the Chip type "Illumina" and in "Options -> File selection" for map and allele frequency the "Other" variable. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------